Request for mediation:
If you would like to submit a mediation request, please do so by e-mail using the button below.
We would like to receive the following information in advance:
- details and names of all parties/participants involved (including e-mail addresses)
- dates of the next three months
- proposal for a location (e.g. a Van der Valk hotel near the victim's place of residence)
- brief description of the dispute
Our mediatiors
Geertruid van Wassenaer (pictured left) has already brought many seemingly unsolvable cases to a successful conclusion in recent years. The "Haarlemmerolie" in this is that there is a lot of focus on the human measure. Geertruid helps with this and looks for new and creative solutions with the parties in a neutral manner that do justice to what the parties really care about.
The number of requests for mediation has risen sharply in recent years. Therefore, since 2022, Clara Tilanus (pictured right) can also regularly be found at the mediation table as an MfN mediator. What we regularly hear back from parties is that, with her youthful zest, she is able to take a fresh look at possible impasses and that she easily connects with the somewhat younger parties at the mediation table. She has now gained extensive experience as a mediator and is therefore happy to assist you.
What does mediation involve?
Mediation in personal injury cases is a profession in its own right. After all, it involves, firstly, people who have been affected and, secondly, insurers trying to do their job responsibly. Unfortunately, it happens (too) often that parties can no longer understand each other along the way.
How do you break through this and make people feel truly heard and seen and willing to really listen to each other for once? As a mediator, the first thing you need for this is a basic attitude that inspires trust and radiates neutrality. Asking the right questions at the right time can get a conversation going that was not possible before. This is precisely what the MfN mediator is ideally trained to do. Geertruiid van Wassenaer has been an MfN mediator since 2009.
Her years of experience as a personal injury lawyer are, of course, also useful here. She has assisted both insurers and victims, so the entire tournament field in personal injury has passed her by. That knowledge can help enormously when people have to make decisions during mediation about whether or not to enter into a settlement.
It is wonderful work to do. Sometimes it is very easy, sometimes it takes a lot of effort. But when, after many years of struggle, the parties then manage to overcome their differences, the satisfaction is great.