Recovery coaching / EMDR / Cogmed memorytraining
Besides physical injuries, an accident can also have a huge psychological impact. Sometimes this goes so far that you can no longer function well in daily life. Normal things you did not turn your hand to before can now demand a lot of energy. You can no longer see the wood for the trees. Do you recognise this? Then perhaps our recovery coach, Sabine Gigengack can help you.
Our office offers three types of recovery-oriented services:
Our recovery coach and psychologist
Our recovery coach (also basic psychologist) in the office is Sabine Gigengack. She joined us in 2015 after completing her Masters in Psychology at the Free University. In 2018, in addition to her work in our office, she also gained experience as a recovery coach in the field of education (injury education specialist) and trained as an EMDR practitioner in early 2019.
If you would like to know more, please contact Sabine on 023 8200690 and or through your lawyer at our office.

- Als basispsycholoog lid van NIP (Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen)
- BSc, MSc Psychologie & MSc MBA HRM (Vrije Universiteit)
- Gediplomeerd herstelcoach (Quasir)
- Gediplomeerd EMDR practicioner (Take Off Support)
- Gediplomeerd Cogmed coach (Pearson)